# Introduction to Automation
What is Automation Testing?
Advantages & Disadvantages of Automation Testing
Automation Criteria (Whether to Automate or Not)
Web Applications, Web Testing and Test Automation for Web Applications
# Introduction to Selenium 2.3 and WebDriver
Introducing Selenium
Selenium IDE
Selenium Web Driver
Selenium Grid
Supported Browsers
Flexibility and Extensiblity
# JAVA, Eclipse IDE and JUnit
Installation of Eclipse (for Selenium WebDriver Programming in JAVA)
Usage of Eclipse
Sample JAVA Program to Get Hands on Eclipse
Running & Debugging JAVA Programs
JUnit Basics
Using JUnit with Selenium WebDriver
Configuring your machine for Selenium
Exercise on JUnit, Selenium WebDriver
# Selenium-IDE 2.3
Installing and Opening IDE
IDE Features
Building Test Cases
Running Test Cases in Firefox
Running Test Cases with WebDriver Playback Support
Using Base URL to Run Test Cases in Different Domains
Multi Language Formats
Using Test Suites
User Extensions - Extending the IDE’s functionality
Exercise on Selenium IDE
# Selenium WebDriver in Depth
Selenium WebDriver
o How to use WebDriver
o WebDriver drivers
o Writing WebDriver scripts
o WebDriver Backed Selenium
o Backing WebDriver with Selenium
Selenium WebDriver Configuration with Eclipse
Locator Strategies (By ID, By Name, By Link, By PartialLink, By XPath, By CSS Selector, By Tag, By Class)
X-PATH and Different Techniques
o X-Path Absolute
o X-Path Attribute
o X-Path Relative
o X-Path finder tools
Hands on WebDriver Commands
Running WebDriver Tests on Internet Explorer, Firefox & Google Chrome
Reporting & Verifying Results
Debugging WebDriver Tests
Selenium Server Installation
How Selenium Server Works
How Remote WebDriver Works
Exercise on Selenium WebDriver
# Selenium WebDriver Commands
Locating Page and UI Elements
Commands for Text-boxes, Buttons, Input tags
Commands for Radio buttons, Check-boxes
Commands for Select tag/Lists/Drop-downs, Tables
Commands/Methods to deal with AJAX applications, Dynamic HTML
Commands to deal with Alerts, Popups and Multiple Windows
Sequence of Evaluation and Flow Control
Verifying Page Elements and their Attributes
Exercise on Selenium WebDriver Commands
# Hybrid Automation Framework Development & Usage
Sample Project Implementation using the Framework
Creation of Framework with Selenium WebDriver
Data Driving in Selenium WebDriver with Excel files (Data Driven Framework)
Usage of Hybrid Framework (Keyword Driven & Data Driven)
Framework Advantages (Maintainability, Re-usability)
Exercise on Hybrid Automation Framework
# Selenium Grid
Selenium Grid Overview
Setting up Selenium Grid
Grid as Collection of Selenium WebDriver nodes
Understanding & Using DesiredCapabilities Class
Running Parallel & Distributed tests using Selenium Grid
Exercise on Selenium Grid