Hibernate Online Training
1. Introduction
- Problems with using JDBC
- Setting Up Hibernate
- Configuring Hibernate
- Programmatic Configuration
XML Configuration
- Configuration with Properties file
- Using Annotations
- Opening and Closing the session
- Retrieving Objects
General Architecture of Hibernate
Basic mapping and Object Identity
- Sample application development and performing following operations:
- Read
- Update
- Delete
- Create
- Providing an ID for persistence problem
- Database sequence
- Native generator
- Increment generator
- Hilo generator
- Creating a composite key
- saveorUpdate functionality in Hibernate
- Dynamic SQL generation in Hibernate
- Naming entities in hibernate
Component Mapping
- Implementing a value type as a component
- Nesting components
- Adding References in components
- Mapping a collection of components
- Using Components as keys to a Map
Collections Mapping
- Set
- List
- Arrays
- Collection
Hibernate Data types
Hibernate API
Hiberenate Query language (HQL)
- Projection Queries
- Aggregation Functions
- Grouping
- Restrictions
Inheritance in Hibernate
- Table-per-class hierarchy
- Table-per-concrete class
- Table-per-sub
- One-to-one
- One-to-many
- Many-to-one
- Many-to-many
- Introduction
- Scopes of cached Data
- Cache levels
- First-level cache
- Second level cache
- Concurrency Strategies
- Cache Providers
- Caching queries
- Using the first level cache
- Configuring second-level Cache
Querying with Criteria
- Introduction
- Using Criteria to load the data from database
- Applying restriction to criteria
- Using Projections with Criteria
Querying by Example Batch Processing
- Batch Inserts
- Batch Updates
- Batch Deletes
15. Native SQL
- Using database dependent SQL’s
16. Transaction Management
17. Integrating Hibernate with Servlets
18. Integrating Hibernate with Struts 2.x.